Cloud-based unlimited data storage

Our company took part in the development of an unlimited virtual disk storage engaging cloud technology. This project goal was to solve the problem of the space shortage while storing large amounts of data like documents, video and audio files on a local hard disk.

Project Description

Our company was engaged in the project as a contractor to participate in the virtual data storage development. A team of six developers and two testers was led by a technical leader on the client’s side and was responsible for current task planning and implementation. 

The tasks performed by Polytech Software team: 

  1. Developing user interface.
  2. Developing data synchronization services – cash managementl, read-write operations tracking, forwarding data blocks to the cloud storage, data encryption and compression for the transmission process, versioning support.
  3. Working with the API of the cloud storage for implementing the data transfer and storage functionality.
  4. Integration with the Windows file system drives


The client received a full-featured beta version of the program that allows users to work with an unlimited range of data on the local virtual disk.

Technology stack


Angular, TypeScript Angular CLI, SASS Karma, Jasmine


C#; .NET Framework, WCF, NUnit Async, Networking, REST API AWS S3 SQLite

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